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The content of the work evolves using 2 ideas to create a framing narrative to tell a story.

to create a project for the masters, that is the opposite to me, something I cannot possible imagine and it totally alien to my being, that would force me to collaborate -  I chose blindness.


To be a public interactive work of art.


Use tools taught on the course such a theory and philosophical discourse as a framing narrative to help develop a practise base (skeleton) onto which I can graft a method to create a work of art.


A public interative artwork made up of mulitple research outcomes that is comparable to a exhibtion space - both first second and third person experiential.                  
 Dennett’s philosophical term: Heterophenomenology (an account of an account) as a Skelton
the use having its roots in analysis and purpose   
Heidegger’s Dasien  time theory (time within time existing simultaneously)

 ‘Altered States’ is an experiential sculpture about how blind people perceive spatiality. The project involves looking for the similarities in people on a cognitive level rather than the differences. The work is an comment on Museum as a functional concept an exhibition of rooms is transformed into a collective of nine hoods creating an interactive installation exhibition which explores the 'Blindness State'. The hoods are designed in an ‘assemblage,’ ‘Flat Pack’ a comment on our ikea-society and the style, shape and materiality are carefully chosen to immerse the wearer in an acoustic, olfactory and tactile experience. Evoking differing conditions, each ‘Altered States’ hood takes the visitor from the visually dominant world they are familiar with, into one of visceral stimulation.


Abi Baker - RCM blind muscian creating Musical Score -music from 2 hour walk and talk audio.
Simon Shaffer - RCA sighted artists Musical intpretation of Abi's music 
Christopher Amaning - LCC siighted audio artists - created the collage from blind research team at VAM informationhttp://www.christopheramaning.com/
and Abi's musical score.
David - Blind research team via RNIB at VAM.
Karley, Tabitha for creating the innitial ideas about shapes and forms for the hoods.    


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Altered States - Blind perception of space sculpture